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Writer: Rachel Burden
Bio: On your radio Mon-Fri @bbc5live breakfast and occasionally @BBCBreakfast. 4 kids, 1 husband. Ig: @rachelburden_radio contact:
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director - Andrew Heckler
Actor - Andrea Riseborough
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Who global burden of diseases. How did white mans burden affect Europe. That bass tone is incredible. What burden mean. Can you also make a full version of the alt metal song. Burden of truth season 3. Top definitions related content examples explore dictionary british [ bur -dn] / ˈbɜr dn / noun that which is carried; load: a horse's burden of rider and pack. that which is borne with difficulty; obligation; onus: the burden of leadership. Nautical. the weight of a ship's cargo. the carrying capacity of a ship. Metallurgy. the minerals charged into a blast furnace or steelmaking furnace. verb (used with object) to load heavily. to load oppressively; trouble. Words related to burden load, duty, onus, hardship, strain, tax, difficulty, task, responsibility, trouble, anxiety, worry, concern, hinder, depress, afflict, overwhelm, bother, overload, oppress Words nearby burden burble, burbot, burchfield, burckhardt, burd, burden, burden of proof, burdened, burdensome, burdizzo, burdock Origin of burden 1 before 1000; Middle English, variant of burthen, Old English byrthen; akin to German Bürde, Gothic baurthei; see bear 1 OTHER WORDS FROM burden bur·den·er, noun bur·den·less, adjective Definition for burden (2 of 2) burden 2 [ bur -dn] / ˈbɜr dn / noun the main point, message, or idea. Music. the refrain or recurring chorus of a song. Origin of burden 2 1275–1325; Middle English bordoun, burdoun < Old French bourdon droning sound, instrument making such a sound Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Examples from the Web for burden “If Charleston harbor needs improvement, let the commerce of Charleston bear the burden, ” he said. “There are indications that decriminalization can reduce the burden on criminal justice systems, ” the report said. Why do so many put the burden of speaking to race issues on Cosby? While women are often better informed about their health, that means they bear the burden of broaching the topic of HPV. Parents who bring wrongful birth suits seem to face a burden faced by no other plaintiffs in medical malpractice cases. It's no the burden, but the ower burden, that kills the beast. Well has one of our greatest poets written, "Take up the fat man's burden. " Then they went back home to take up the burden that was their share. Robert guessed it all, and whatever remorseful love could do to soften such a strain and burden he tried to do. And why consciences grow so heavy, if there's no one to help to bear the burden. British Dictionary definitions for burden (1 of 2) burden 1 noun something that is carried; load something that is exacting, oppressive, or difficult to bear the burden of responsibility Related adjective: onerous nautical the cargo capacity of a ship the weight of a ship's cargo verb (tr) ( sometimes foll by up) to put or impose a burden on; load to weigh down; oppress the old woman was burdened with cares Word Origin for burden Old English byrthen; related to beran to bear 1, Old Frisian berthene burden, Old High German burdin British Dictionary definitions for burden (2 of 2) burden 2 noun a line of words recurring at the end of each verse of a ballad or similar song; chorus or refrain the principal or recurrent theme of a speech, book, etc Word Origin for burden C16: from Old French bourdon bass horn, droning sound, of imitative origin Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012.
Homie here needs to be on worldstarhiphop🔥🔥🔥. Překlady & příklady more_vert This is a burden for consumers, however, and the market remains unmonitored. expand_more To ale představuje břemeno pro spotřebitele a trh zůstává nekontrolován. The greatest burden usually falls on patients' relatives and family members. Největší břemeno obvykle nesou příbuzní a rodinní příslušníci pacienta. The burden of proof is a tricky point, as the Commissioner commented before. Důkazní břemeno je sloitá otázka, jak u uvedl pan komisař. As wages increase that also lifts the burden on the poor and the working class. expand_more S růstem platů se zvedne také další břímě z ramen chudých a pracující třídy. And that begins to lift a heavy burden off the world's poor. A to zvedne velké břímě z ramen světové chudiny. Is that enough and, more importantly, will it convince the citizens who are shouldering the burden of the crisis? A co je důleitější, přesvědčí to občany, kteří nesou břímě krize? However, the binding nature of this system creates an additional administrative burden. expand_more Nicméně závazný charakter tohoto systému vytváří další administrativní zatíení. In a nutshell it would increase the burden on the British taxpayer by the EU. Stručně řečeno by to zvýšilo zatíení britského daňového poplatníka ze strany EU. Furthermore, our proposal makes provision for measures to minimise the administrative burden. Náš návrh dále zohledňuje opatření na minimalizaci administrativního zatíení. And the economic burden of asthma exceeds that of HIV and tuberculosis combined. expand_more A ekonomická zátě astmatu převyšuje zátě HIV a tuberkulózy dohromady. We need to limit the administrative burden by simplifying the regulatory environment. Musíme omezit administrativní zátě zjednodušením regulačního prostředí. The greatest burden would fall on the weaker economies of the new Member States. Největší zátě by padla na nejslabší hospodářství nových členských států. We should note that this is not only an unnecessary and unjust burden for the citizen of the third country in question. expand_more Dluno poznamenat, e to není jediná zbytečná přítě, kterou musí dotyčný občan třetí země neprávem snášet. Madam President, the report says 'the EU budget should in no way be perceived as a burden to national budgets. ' Váená paní předsedající, v této zprávě se píše, e "rozpočet Evropské unie by neměl být v ádném případě vnímán jako dodatečná přítě pro vnitrostátní rozpočty". If we spend the money wisely here and place huge emphasis on the good use of resources, the EU budget may then appear not as a burden but as part of the solution to the crisis. Budeme-li zde vynakládat peníze moudře a klást velký důraz na řádné vyuití zdrojů, potom se rozpočet EU nemusí jevit jako přítě, nýbr jako součást řešení krize. Firstly, the burden of combating climate change has been distributed very unfairly within the European Union. expand_more Za prvé, tíha boje proti změně klimatu je v rámci Evropské unie rozloená velice nespravedlivě. Who is helping him and thus placing themselves and him under an even greater burden of guilt? Kdo mu pomáhá a staví sebe i jeho do ještě větší tíhy viny? The crisis may burden the common budget more than planned. expand_more Krize můe zatíit celkový rozpočet víc, ne se předpokládalo. Today, Parliament not only wants to burden the economy with still more drastic climate regulations. Parlament dnes chce zatíit hospodářství stále drastičtějšími nařízeními kvůli klimatu, a nejen to. Extension of the area of application to include refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection can only serve to burden the public purse even more. Rozšíření oblasti působnosti na uprchlíky a osoby poívající podpůrné ochrany můe jedině ještě více zatíit veřejný rozpočet. The regulation will not burden them with excessive costs. expand_more Nařízení je nebude zatěovat nadměrnými náklady. It is entirely unnecessary to burden the self-employed with yet more bureaucracy and paperwork. Je naprosto zbytečné zatěovat osoby samostatně výdělečně činné větší administrativou a kancelářskou činností. This is purely a national decision on the basis of subsidiarity and therefore we should not burden Parliament with it. Je to čistě vnitrostátní rozhodnutí na základě zásady subsidiarity, a tudí bychom s tím neměli Parlament zatěovat. While there is a feeling that the financial services and banking sector should meet the bill for the crisis, we should not cheat our citizens by imposing on them an additional fiscal burden. Ačkoli panuje přesvědčení, e účet za krizi by měly zaplatit finanční sluby a bankovní sektor, neměly bychom naše občany podvádět a uloit jim další daňové břemeno. The Member States can no longer bear the burden of environmental pollution alone, and they should not be required to do so for much longer. Členské státy ji déle nemohou nést břemeno znečištění ivotního prostředí samy a nemělo po se to po nich ji déle vyadovat. Příklady pouití English Talking about burden sharing should now lead to a practical and sensitive proposal. Jednání o sdílení zátěe by nyní mohlo vést k praktickému a rozumnému návrhu. English We agree that nobody should compete while carrying around such a heavy burden. Souhlasíme, e s tak velkým břemenem by se do soupeření nikdo neměl pouštět. English This is an unacceptable inversion of the burden of proof in criminal law. V tomto případě jde o nepřijatelné převrácení důkazního břemene v trestním právu. English In the Mediterranean, the need to share the burden could not be clearer. Potřeba sdílení tohoto břemene ji v oblasti Středozemí ani nemůe být jasnější. English That was a comprehensive statement of the theoretical position on burden -sharing. Toto byla komplexní zpráva o teoretickém stanovisku k rozdělení břemene. English Instead we must strengthen our effort to ease the burden on our companies. Namísto toho musíme zintenzívnit úsilí ke zmírnění zátěe našich společností. English They demand solidarity and a relocation policy based on the principle of burden -sharing. Poadovali politiku solidarity a přesídlení zaloenou na zásadě sdílení zátěe. English The proposed solutions, namely the so-called ' burden sharing' merit serious consideration. Navrhované řešení, konkrétně rozdělení zátěe, si zaslouí zvláštní pozornost. English The social package should not be a burden to European small and medium-sized companies. Sociální balíček by neměl být pro evropské malé a střední podniky břemenem. English I have noted the suggestion that the EFDI participate in general burden -sharing discussions. Zaregistroval jsem návrh, aby se EFDI účastnilo diskusí o obecném sdílení zátěe. English Ageing and growing old, especially with regard to women, should not be a burden. Stáří a stárnutí, zejména pokud jde o eny, by nemělo být břemenem. English We believe it is a good and fair proposal in terms of burden -sharing among Member States. Věříme, e je to dobrý a spravedlivý návrh z hlediska sdílení zátěe členskými státy. English The USA cannot be expected to carry this burden with less and less contribution from us. Nelze očekávat, e USA ponesou tuto tíhu a my budeme přispívat stále méně. English The reception of those fleeing from the war cannot be the burden of Italy alone. Přijímání uprchlíků před válkou nemůe být jen záleitostí Itálie. English I am very well aware that we cannot get burden -sharing up and running at the first attempt. Jsem si velmi dobře vědom toho, e sdílení zátěe nerozjedeme na první pokus. English We must persuade our economy and society that the elderly are not a burden. Musíme naše hospodářství a naši společnost přesvědčit o tom, e starší lidé nejsou zátěí. English This will result in a significant increase in the burden on Member States' budgets. To povede k významnému nárůstu zátěe pro rozpočty členských států. English Only in that way will climate change become an opportunity, rather than a burden. Jedině tak se změna klimatu stane spíše příleitostí ne zátěí. English We would then have had a concept of resettlement and a concept of burden -sharing, but we do not. Pak bychom měli koncepci přesídlování a koncepci sdílení zátěe, jene ji nemáme. English What is the point of such a policy when the objective is to spread the burden? Jaký smysl má taková politika, jejím cílem je rozdělení břemene?
Essay example Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit?. Global burden of communicable disease 2010. Burdens. ❤️🖤this one feel it in my soul 🔥🔥. Shits 🔥 yo. I just finished watching this film at the Traverse City Film Festival, I absolutely cannot rave enough about this film! the cinematography, the acting, the dialogue, everything is absolutely spot on! It is so intense that you, as the viewer, can feel the struggle that Mike Burden is going through and it just captures you and sucks you right in. especially if you know anything about the backstory on it and what really happened. To be honest this film emotionally drained me, I am literally exhausted from watching it. I would even have to go as far as to giving it 6 out of 5 stars, this is one of those do not miss movies.
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. I saw Burden at Sundance, and was captured with how poignant this film is. The tale is an incredible story- and has really effected me on many levels. Even though the story is 20 years old- the lesson is very timeless. Burden lake country club. A straightforward way to assess the health status of a population is to focus on mortality – or concepts like child mortality or life expectancy, which are based on mortality estimates. A focus on morbidity however does not take into account that the burden of diseases is not only that they kill people, but that they cause suffering to people who live with them. Assessing health outcomes by both mortality and morbidity (the prevalent diseases) provides a more encompassing view on health outcomes. This is the topic of this entry. The sum of mortality and morbidity is referred to as the ‘burden of disease’ and can be measured by a metric called ‘ Disability Adjusted Life Years ‘ (DALYs). DALYs are measuring lost health and are a standardized metric that allow for direct comparisons of disease burdens of different diseases across countries, between different populations, and over time. Conceptually, one DALY is the equivalent of losing one year in good health because of either premature death or disease or disability. One DALY represents one lost year of healthy life. The first ‘Global Burden of Disease’ (GBD) was GBD 1990 and the DALY metric was prominently featured in the World Bank’s 1993 World Development Report. Today it is published by both the researchers at the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and the ‘Disease Burden Unit’ at the World Health Organization (WHO), which was created in 1998. The IHME continues the work that was started in the early 1990s and publishes the Global Burden of Disease study. This entry presents data on burden of health across the world, breakdown by age, types of disability and disease, and regional/country breakdowns. The visualizations which follow can be explored by any country or region using the “Change country” option in the charts below. Premature death and ill health – the global burden of disease Human potential that is lost due to poor health is immense: The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) project aims to quantify this loss by estimating the number of healthy life years lost globally. This metric takes into account both, the human life years lost due to early death and the life years compromised by disease and disability. It is a massive study that takes into account thousands of datasets to capture the burden of diseases globally. 55. 9 million people died in 2017. If we sum up all life years lost due to premature death – the sum of the differences between each person’s age of death and their life expectancy at that age – we find that the world population lost 1. 65 billion years of potential life due to premature death in that year. Disease and disability meant that an additional 853 million years of healthy life years were lost. 1 It is hard to get a sense of scale for these enormous numbers. One way to illustrate it is to put it in relation to the global population, which was 7. 53 billion in that year. The global burden of disease, viewed in this way, sums up to a third of a year lost for each person on the planet. 2 The global distribution of the disease burden This map shows DALYs per 100, 000 people of the population. It is thereby measuring the distribution of the burden of both mortality and morbidity around the world. We see that rates across the regions with the best health are below 20, 000 DALYs per 100, 000 individuals. In 2017 this is achieved in many European countries, but also in Canada, Israel, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Kuwait, the Maldives, and Australia. In the worst-off regions, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, the rate is higher than 80, 000 DALYs per 100, 000. The disease burden by cause Epidemiologists break the disease burden down into three key categories of disability or disease – and this is shown in the chart here: non-communicable diseases (NCDs) [in blue]; communicable, maternal, neonatal and nutritional diseases [in red], and injuries [in grey]. We provide a more detailed breakdown of what sub-categories fall within each of these three groupings in our Data Quality and Definitions section. We also look at a higher-resolution breakdown within each of these groupings in the sections which follow. At a global level, in 2017 more than 60 percent of the burden of disease results from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), with 28 percent from communicable, maternal, neonatal and nutritional diseases, and just over 10 percent from injuries. The chart also shows a notable shift since 1990, when communicable diseases held the highest share at 46 percent. This shift in burden towards NCDs result from a significant reduction in communicable and preventable disease as incomes rise and overall health and living standards improve. In high-income nations, NCDs typically account for more than 80 percent of disease burden. In contrast, communicable diseases to be low, at less than 5 percent. The opposite is true in low-income nations; communicable disease still accounts for more than 60 percent across many countries. How do different diseases and disabilities contribute towards the burden of disease? In the two charts here we see the breakdown of the disease burden by cause. One chart shows the absolute numbers of DALYs by cause while the other presents share of the total DALYs by each cause. Non-communicable diseases are shown in blue; communicable, maternal, neonatal and nutritional diseases shown in red; and injuries shown in grey. At a global level the largest disease burden in 2017 comes from cardiovascular diseases which account for 15 percent of the total. This is followed by cancers (9 percent); neonatal disorders (7 percent); muscoskeletal disorders (6 percent); and mental and substance use disorders (5 percent). This attribution varies significantly across the world – these figures and rankings of the disease burden can be explored by country and region using the ‘change country’ option in the charts. If we look at a lower-income country (e. g. Congo), we notice that communicable and neonatal diseases rank much higher. This is in stark contrast to a typical high-income nation (e. United States) where no communicable diseases fall within the top ten. Cardiovascular disease, cancer, muscoskeletal disorders and mental and substance use disorders form the top four health burdens across many upper-middle and high-income nations. A dedicated IHME website provides a very helpful interactive tool to explore all available data on burden of disease worldwide. The disease burden by age In the two chart here we see the breakdown of total disease burden by age group from 1990 onwards. This is shown as the relative breakdown of the total disease burden and by the rates of burden per 100, 000 individuals within a given age group. Overall we see a continued decline in health burden in children under 5 years old; both in relative terms (falling as a share of the total by more than half, from 41 in 1990 to 20 percent in 2017), and in rates per 100, 000 (falling more than 50 percent from over 160, 000 to less than half in 2017). Nonetheless, rates of disease burden remain highest in the youngest and oldest in society. DALY rates in under-5s and those over 70 years old remain significantly higher than other age groups. They have, however, seen the most notable declines in recent decades. At a global level, collective rates across all ages have been in steady decline. This shows that global health has improved considerably over the course of the last generation. The disease burden from non-communicable diseases The visualizations here focus on the disease burden resulting from non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The disease burden from non-communicable diseases The burden from non-communicable diseases by sub-category The burden from non-communicable diseases by age Non-communicable diseases are typically low in children and adolescents; collectively less than 10 percent of the burden falls in those under 15 years old. The burden from communicable, neonatal, maternal and nutritional diseases The burden from communicable, neonatal, maternal and nutritional diseases We see strong differentiation, with high burden across Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia in particular. Most countries across these regions have DALY losses greater than 25, 000 per 100, 000 individuals, reaching over 50, 000 in the Central African Republic. Rates in Europe and North America, in contrast, are typically greater than ten times lower, below 2500 per 100, 000. Communicable, neonatal, maternal and nutritional disease burden by specific cause There has been a significant reduction in global burden from communicable diseases in recent decades, falling from over 1. 1 billion in 1990 to below 670, 000 in 2016 (around a 40 percent reduction). This category of health conditions are dominated by diarrheal and other infectious diseases, and neonatal disorders. Globally, these two causes alone account for more than 60% of communicable disease DALY losses. Communicable, neonatal, maternal and nutritional disease burden by age The burden in under-5s represents over half of losses (although this share continues to decline, falling from almost 75 percent in 1990). The burden from injuries, violence, self-harm and accidents The burden from injuries, violence, self-harm and accidents The burden of injury, violence, self-harm and accidents by type Road accidents are particularly dominant within this category. However, interpersonal violence and self-harm also constitute a high share of health burden. You will notice that burden attributed to both conflict & terrorism and natural disasters are highly volatile (creating dramatic spikes from year-to-year. We discuss the impact of this volatility on overall trends in the context of death in our blog post here. The burden from injuries, violence, self-harm and accidents by age Income and disease burden The visualization here shows the relationship between average income – measured by GNI per capita – and the Burden of Disease. The Burden of Disease is disaggregated into the health burden due to communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases. The chart shows that communicable diseases in particular are closely correlated to average income levels. The relationship that was estimated by Sterck et al. 2017 3 is shown in the legend. GNI per capita has a strong negative correlation with log DALYs lost due to communicable diseases with an elasticity of -0·88. On the other hand, the non-communicable disease burden is much less strongly associated with average income (the elasticity is estimated to be -0·13). Another conclusion we can draw from this chart is that the relationship between GNI per capita and DALYs lost due to the disease burden of communicable diseases is best captured by a log-log function. Income and disease burden from communicable diseases The health burden due to communicable diseases vs GDP per capita is shown in the following visualizations. The correlation between both measures is apparent: both DALY loss rates and the total share from communicable diseases tend to decline with increasing incomes. But despite this correlation, Sterck et al. 2017 4 find that GNI is not a significant predictor of health outcomes once other factors are controlled for. The first of these other factors is individual poverty – relative to a health poverty line of 10. 89 international-$ per day. The second factor is the epidemiological surrounding of a country which captures the health status of neighbouring countries. And the third important factor is institutional capacity. Income and disease burden from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) The two charts here highlight two important relationships between non-communicable disease burden and income. The first suggests that rates of burden from NCDs is highest at lower-incomes and tends to decline with development. DALYs lost from NCDs are typically lower at higher incomes. However, it is also true that NCDs constitute a dominant share of disease burden at higher incomes (often over 80 percent). The fact that both of these relationships are true: that NCD burden tends to decline with development, but increases its share of overall disease burden further highlights that total health burden declines significantly with improving living standards and healthcare. The fact that NCD DALY losses at low-income are high, but still only constitute a small share of overall health burden emphasises the scale of DALY losses from communicable and preventable diseases which remain. Disease burden and health expenditure The visualization shows the relationship between total health burden, given as rates of DALY losses per 100, 000 individuals (from all causes) versus average per capita health expenditure (in US dollars). At low levels of health expenditure we see a steep decline in health burden as per capita expenditure increases. However, towards mid-range health expenditure levels we begin to see a significant tailing off of burden reduction. This diminishing rate of return stagnates at around 20, 000 DALYs per 100, 000 individuals. Nonetheless, per capita health expenditure at this level of health burden varies by several multiples. Countries such as the United States, Norway and Switzerland have a per capita expenditure over $9, 000 per year, but have achieved little or no burden reduction relative to other high-income nations with a per capita expenditure less than half of these figures. Some countries – such as South Korea – have achieved one of the lowest rates of health burden with an expenditure of around $2, 000 per capita. Measurement, Data Quality & Definitions Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) lost is a standardized metric allowing for direct comparison and summing of burdens of different diseases. Conceptually, one DALY is the equivalent of one year in good health lost because of premature mortality or disability (see Murray et al. 2015 5). Assessing health outcomes by both mortality and morbidity provides a more encompassing view on health outcomes than only looking at mortality or life expectancy alone. Three categories of health conditions and burdens are distinguished: Communicable, maternal, perinatal and nutritional diseases; Non-communicable diseases (NCDs); Injuries (which include violence and conflict). The sub-categories of disease or health burden, as differentiated in the data provided in this entry from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) are detailed in the table. Communicable, maternal, neonatal and nutritional diseases Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Injuries Diarrhea, lower respiratory & other common infectious diseases Cardiovascular diseases (inc. stroke, heart disease and heart failure) Road injuries Neonatal disorders Cancers Other transport injuries Maternal disorders Respiratory disease Falls Malaria & neglected tropical diseases Diabetes, blood and endocrine diseases Drowning Nutritional deficiencies Mental and substance use disorders Fire, heat and hot substances HIV/AIDS Liver diseases Poisonings Tuberculosis Digestive diseases Self-harm Other communicable diseases Musculoskeletal disorders Interpersonal violence Neurological disorders (including dementia) Conflict & terrorism Other NCDs Natural disasters Data Sources Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) – Burden of Disease study Data: DALYs lost Geographical coverage: Global by country Time span: since 1990 Available at: At the IHME website or directly via the visualization tool of IHME.
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