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Resume=A lyrical story of the healing power of love in the midst of national conflict, loss and trauma, Those Who Remained reveals the healing process of Holocaust survivors through the eyes of a young girl in post-World War II Hungary / Writers=Zsuzsa F. Várkonyi / genre=Drama / user rating=8 / 10 / Directed by=Barnabás Tóth / 414 votes. Los que quedaron en yo me llamo. Los que se quedaron en badabun.
Los que se quedaron pelicula cristiana completa. Los que se quedaron atras. Los que quedaron fuera del mundial. Los deportistas que se quedaron en bancarrota. Pelicula los que se quedaron completa.
Un final desastre total una mezcla rarísimo, personajes perdidos,muertes,y desde la primera diabla,la segunda no alcanzo el personaje, Titi un gran actor,lástima su personaje,malo y arreglen este tutti fruti🤦🏼♀️. Prudencia con Adrián Ramos creo que sus mejores momentos ya pasaron.
Debe ser mexicano.
Los mineros que quedaron atrapados en chile.
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Enjoy reading and share 55 famous quotes about Someone To Live For with everyone. “ I'd be happy to die for a taste of what Angel had. Someone to live for. Unafraid to say I Love You. ” — Jonathan Larson “ There are probably only a handful of times in our lives when someone who will change us forever walks in-when we find someone we can love with our whole hearts, who will challenge us and shape us and make us feel like the world is safer and brighter just because they are in it. A person who loves us for exactly who we are, yet teaches us to be better because of who they are and how they live their life. ” — Melanie Shankle “ I wrote that certain things were leaving me nauseated. I said that judges made me feel that way. Not most of them but all of them. I said that you for example, the judge I'm writing this to, made me feel nauseated. The nausea came from understanding that people produced by every conceivable advantage got to decide whether someone like Jalen lived or died and what was worse was they never fucking seemed to decide that the person should live, that a person's life, any person, was more important than whether some fat fuck at a country club thought you were hard enough on crime or whether you continue to get sufficient reelection campaign contributions you worthless retarded piece of shit. Why should you be allowed to decide anything beyond what you have for lunch you mental infant? ” — Sergio De La Pava “ What is it with young women and exclamation points and smiley faces! So afraid of appearing somber, always wanting to appear light and happy and sparkling, even when they are dying inside. Not ever being able to escape the mask that smiles. She wants to write, really write someday. But she is not fully formed. So she does not write. Not really. Unless attempting to live is a form of attempting to write. The agony of becoming. This is what she experiences. The young girl. She would like to be someone, anyone else. She wants, vaguely, to be something more than she is. But she does not know what that is, or how one goes about doing such a thing. ” — Kate Zambreno “ You can write and write, but if you don't have someone who can nail that character, it's never going to live. ” — Jamie Hewlett “ I'm not someone who lives in the past; I find other people live in my past. I live in the present and the future. ” — Marisa Berenson “ One of the hardest things to live with in any relationship is criticism, real or implied. Criticism is a form of humor for them, and they enjoy feeling superior when they see someone else's discomfort. ” — Robert E. Wells “ Do not live someone else's life and someone else's idea of what womanhood is. Womanhood is you. Womanhood is everything that's inside of you. ” — Viola Davis “ There were tons of bronzed Scandinavian types at the Sorbonne. Marvellously blond and healthy and shining white teeth. Funny thing though, because someone told me that if you actually go to Scandinavia none of the people who actually live there look like that. It's just a front they put up when they're abroad. ” — Charlotte Bingham “ Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? Fall head over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart. ” — William Parrish “ A real Christian in an odd number anyway. He feels supreme love for One whom he has never seen, talks familiarly every day to Someone he cannot see, expects to go to heaven on the virtue of Another, empties himself in order to be full, admits he is wrong so he can be declared right, goes down in order to get up, is strongest when he is weakest, richest when he is poorest, and happiest when he feels worst. He dies so he can live, forsakes in order to have, gives away so he can keep, sees the invisible, hears the inaudible, and knows that which passes knowledge. ” — Aiden Wilson Tozer “ Someone once said to me, 'Some of us choose to live with a lifeboat just a little bit out of our reach. ' I'd like to reach a point where I no longer bullshit myself. I think that's the natural human condition - to lie to yourself. Because the truth is painful. ” — Dustin Hoffman Someone To Live For Quotes Pictures Want to see more pictures of Someone To Live For quotes? Click on image of Someone To Live For quotes to view full size.
Los que se quedaron pelicula. No eran diez los que quedaron limpios.
Los chilenos que se quedaron atrapados. Los heroes que quedaron. Las que quedan.
Los que quedaron vivos en infinity war. A los heroes que quedaron. Los que se quedaron. Los que se quedaron en los huesitos. Los boxeadores que quedaron en la ruina. Pobre profesor 👨🏻🏫 girafales 😢. Los famosos que quedaron en la ruina. Hay gente que mientras más ricos son más quieren. Predica los que se quedaron. Siempre había tenido aquella curiosidad de RE3. Los ministerios que quedaron. Re lindoooo ❤️😍 Me encanta este men ALV. 🇨🇴💘☺️. Los dinosaurios que quedaron vivos.
Los que se quedaron la pelicula. While many holocaust survivors openly express rage and uncontrolled bitterness towards their persecutors, other survivors display only an emotional deadness and a pervasive feeling of being alone and scared. In the movie "Fateless, Gyuri, a young man sent to Buchenwald, moves from a childlike innocence to world-weariness in the span of one year. When he comes home, he feels more alone than he did at the camp and even expresses a sort of homesickness for the camaraderie he felt. As a disfigured Holocaust survivor in Christian Petzold's "Phoenix, Nina Hoss' shattered look, repressed emotions, and shaky voice feel so natural that her gradual awakening to life epitomizes a Phoenix rising from the ashes.
Hungary's entry for Best International Feature Film at the 2019 Academy Awards, Barnabás Tóth's ( Camembert Rose" Those Who Remained (Akik maradtak) asks us to rethink our idea of what liberation meant to those just released from the camps. Based on the 2004 novel of the same name by Zsuzsa F. Varkonyi and set in Budapest between 1948 and 1953, the suffering of the Holocaust years are deeply etched on the face of Doctor Aládar (Aldo) Körner (Károly Hajduk, One Day. a slender, gaunt man of about forty who is going through the motions of his Ob-Gyn practice at a Budapest hospital, but the look in his eyes cannot hide the trauma of his wife's death and that of his two young boys.
Coming from the Israelite Community Orphanage, Klára (Abigél Szõke, X - The eXploited. a mature-looking 16-year-old girl, sees Dr. Körner, for a gynecological exam to find out why her puberty has come so late. At first, angry, fearful, and wound into a tight knot, when she reaches out and suddenly embraces the doctor, it is clear that she is seeking more than an exam but a respite from her desperate loneliness. Outspoken in her disdain for her classmates at school and her great-aunt Olgi (Mari Nagy, Budapest Noir" with whom she lives, Klára only begins to reveal her repressed humanity when Aldo responds to her like a fellow human being in pain, not a wounded animal.
Bringing the film to life with her tremendously affecting performance, Szõke refuses to return to Olgi even though she loves her and wants her to be happy. Instead, she moves in with Aldo who acts as a foster father, sharing custody with her aunt. He makes the rules, however, and is strict about physical contact, especially when she crawls into bed with him at night. Gradually, both open up though to each other. They talk about God, her parents, the sister she feels guilty about not being able to save from death, and, in a tender scene, he shares with her his photo album from before the war.
Though Aldo strictly adheres to the rules of propriety, their developing relationship raises some eyebrows, and the interest of Soviet operatives. Amidst talk of a Soviet crackdown on personal freedoms, Aldo and Klára do their best to be discreet, but it does not prevent others from gossiping. In one instance, after being seen in a park laying her head on Aldo's lap, Klára is defiant when interrogated by a Communist official. Similarly, Pista (Andor Lukáts, The Whiskey Bandit. Aldo's colleague at work, says that people have disappeared during the night and tells him that he has joined the Communist Party and has been asked to inform on him.
Those Who Remained is an intimate look at two damaged souls who have been bruised and shaken by life but are now ready to begin the reconstruction of their life, a process which will, in Percy Bysshe Shelley's phrase "lift the veil from the hidden beauty of the world." Knowing that any expression of the love they feel for each other will push the boundaries of what is considered acceptable, both realize that their protestations of innocence will not be enough to keep them safe, and that they must now reach out to others, bringing solace and joy in a world in dire need of both.
Los que quedaron en el podium y. En su momento me acabe como 15 veces el RE3 y es hasta ahora que medoy cuenta que existian mas tyrants muertos en esa area aparte del mutado siempre pense que fue la lucha solo contra el tyrant mutado( cabe aclarar que cuando lo jugaba solo guardaba 2 o maximo 3 veces para si desbloqueaba algo existia ese rumor asi que muchas veces ya estaba agotado y no le daba importancia al ecenario. Los vengadores que quedaron vivos. This article is about specific supercentenarian claims validated by modern standards. For the oldest currently living people, see List of the oldest living people. These are lists of the 100 known verified oldest people sorted in descending order by age in years and days. [a] The oldest person ever whose age has been independently verified is Jeanne Calment (1875–1997) of France, who lived to the age of 122 years, 164 days. [b] The oldest verified man ever is Jiroemon Kimura (1897–2013) of Japan, who lived to the age of 116 years, 54 days. As of 26 February 2020, the oldest known living person is Kane Tanaka of Japan, aged 117 years, 55 days. The oldest known living man is Robert Weighton, of the United Kingdom, aged 111 years, 334 days. The 100 oldest women have, on average, lived several years longer than the 100 oldest men. All the people on this list are supercentenarians, having reached an age of at least 110. 100 verified oldest women The list including known and validated supercentenarians who died before 2015 was compiled by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG). [5] Later cases are included in more recent GRG data, [6] with administrative reports or press coverage as supplementary sources, as indicated in the table. Deceased Living Rank Name Birth date Death date Age Place of death or residence 0 1 Jeanne Calment [7] 21 February 1875 4 August 1997 122 years, 164 days [b] France 0 2 Sarah Knauss [8] 24 September 1880 30 December 1999 119 years, 97 days United States 0 3 Nabi Tajima [6] 4 August 1900 21 April 2018 117 years, 260 days Japan 0 4 Lucy Hannah [9] 16 July 1875 21 March 1993 117 years, 248 days 0 5 Marie-Louise Meilleur [10] 29 August 1880 16 April 1998 117 years, 230 days Canada 0 6 Violet Brown [6] 10 March 1900 15 September 2017 117 years, 189 days Jamaica 0 7 Emma Morano [6] [11] 29 November 1899 15 April 2017 117 years, 137 days Italy 0 8 Chiyo Miyako [6] [12] [13] 2 May 1901 22 July 2018 117 years, 81 days 0 9 Kane Tanaka [6] 2 January 1903 Living 117 years, 55 days 10 Misao Okawa [6] 5 March 1898 1 April 2015 117 years, 27 days 11 María Capovilla [14] 14 September 1889 27 August 2006 116 years, 347 days Ecuador 12 Susannah Mushatt Jones [6] 6 July 1899 12 May 2016 116 years, 311 days 13 Gertrude Weaver [6] 4 July 1898 6 April 2015 116 years, 276 days 14 Tane Ikai [15] 18 January 1879 12 July 1995 116 years, 175 days 15 Elizabeth Bolden [16] 15 August 1890 11 December 2006 116 years, 118 days 16 Besse Cooper [17] 26 August 1896 4 December 2012 116 years, 100 days 17 Maria Giuseppa Robucci [6] 20 March 1903 18 June 2019 [18] 116 years, 90 days 18 Ana María Vela Rubio [6] 29 October 1901 15 December 2017 116 years, 47 days Spain 19 Giuseppina Projetto [6] 30 May 1902 6 July 2018 116 years, 37 days 20 Jeralean Talley [6] 23 May 1899 17 June 2015 116 years, 25 days 21 Lucile Randon (Sœur André) [6] 11 February 1904 Living [19] 116 years, 15 days 22 Maggie Barnes [20] 6 March 1882 19 January 1998 115 years, 319 days 23 Dina Manfredini [5] 4 April 1897 17 December 2012 115 years, 257 days United States [c] 24 Shimoe Akiyama [6] 19 May 1903 29 January 2019 115 years, 255 days 25 Charlotte Hughes [21] 1 August 1877 17 March 1993 115 years, 228 days United Kingdom 26 Edna Parker [22] 20 April 1893 26 November 2008 115 years, 220 days 27 Mary Ann Rhodes [23] 12 August 1882 3 March 1998 115 years, 203 days 28 Anonymous of Tokyo [6] 15 March 1900 27 September 2015 115 years, 196 days 29 Margaret Skeete [24] 27 October 1878 7 May 1994 115 years, 192 days 30 Bernice Madigan [25] 24 July 1899 3 January 2015 115 years, 163 days 31 Gertrude Baines [26] 6 April 1894 11 September 2009 115 years, 158 days 32 Bettie Wilson [27] 13 September 1890 13 February 2006 115 years, 153 days 33 Shin Matsushita [6] 30 March 1904 27 August 2019 115 years, 150 days 34 Julie Winnefred Bertrand [28] 16 September 1891 18 January 2007 115 years, 124 days 35 Maria de Jesus [29] 10 September 1893 2 January 2009 115 years, 114 days Portugal 36 Marie Josephine Gaudette [6] [30] 25 March 1902 13 July 2017 115 years, 110 days Italy [d] 37 Susie Gibson [31] 31 October 1890 16 February 2006 115 years, 108 days 38 Augusta Holtz [32] 3 August 1871 21 October 1986 115 years, 79 days United States [e] 39 Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper [33] 29 June 1890 30 August 2005 115 years, 62 days Netherlands 40 Maude Farris-Luse [34] 21 January 1887 18 March 2002 115 years, 56 days 41 Jeanne Bot [6] 14 January 1905 Living [35] 115 years, 43 days 42 Marie Brémont [36] 25 April 1886 6 June 2001 115 years, 42 days 43 Shigeyo Nakachi [6] 1 February 1905 115 years, 25 days 44 Koto Okubo [37] 24 December 1897 12 January 2013 115 years, 19 days 45 Antonia Gerena Rivera [6] 19 May 1900 2 June 2015 115 years, 14 days United States [f] 46 Chiyono Hasegawa [38] 20 November 1896 2 December 2011 115 years, 12 days 47 Annie Jennings [39] 12 November 1884 20 November 1999 115 years, 8 days 48 Eva Morris [40] 8 November 1885 2 November 2000 114 years, 360 days 49 Kama Chinen [41] 10 May 1895 2 May 2010 114 years, 357 days 50 Maria Gomes Valentim [42] 9 July 1896 21 June 2011 114 years, 347 days Brazil 51 Mary Bidwell [43] 19 May 1881 25 April 1996 114 years, 342 days 52 Mary Josephine Ray [44] 17 May 1895 7 March 2010 114 years, 294 days United States [g] 53 Goldie Steinberg [6] [45] [46] 30 October 1900 16 August 2015 114 years, 290 days United States [h] 54 Kiyoko Ishiguro [6] 4 March 1901 5 December 2015 114 years, 276 days 55 Maria do Couto Maia-Lopes [5] 24 October 1890 25 July 2005 114 years, 274 days Eudoxie Baboul [6] 1 October 1901 1 July 2016 France ( French Guiana) 57 Ramona Trinidad Iglesias-Jordan [47] 31 August 1889 29 May 2004 114 years, 272 days Puerto Rico 58 Yukie Hino [6] 17 April 1902 13 January 2017 114 years, 271 days 59 Delphine Gibson [6] 17 August 1903 9 May 2018 114 years, 265 days 60 Eugénie Blanchard [48] 16 February 1896 4 November 2010 114 years, 261 days France ( Saint Barthélemy) 61 Venere Pizzinato-Papo [49] 23 November 1896 2 August 2011 114 years, 252 days Italy [i] 62 Neva Morris [50] 3 August 1895 6 April 2010 114 years, 246 days 63 Hide Ohira [5] 15 September 1880 9 May 1995 114 years, 236 days 64 Blanche Cobb [51] [52] 8 September 1900 1 May 2015 114 years, 235 days 65 Ethel Lang [6] 27 May 1900 15 January 2015 114 years, 233 days 66 Yone Minagawa [53] 4 January 1893 13 August 2007 114 years, 221 days 67 María Antonia Castro [54] 10 June 1881 16 January 1996 114 years, 220 days 68 Carrie Lazenby [5] 9 February 1882 14 September 1996 114 years, 218 days Ura Koyama [55] 30 August 1890 5 April 2005 70 Myrtle Dorsey [56] 22 November 1885 25 June 2000 114 years, 216 days 71 Iso Nakamura [6] 23 April 1903 23 November 2017 114 years, 214 days 72 Anna Eliza Williams [57] 2 June 1873 27 December 1987 114 years, 208 days 73 Eunice Sanborn [58] 20 July 1896 31 January 2011 114 years, 195 days Hester Ford [6] 15 August 1905 75 Grace Clawson [59] 15 November 1887 28 May 2002 114 years, 194 days United States [j] 76 Mitsue Toyoda [6] 15 February 1902 25 August 2016 114 years, 192 days 77 Tase Matsunaga [60] 11 May 1884 18 November 1998 114 years, 191 days Kame Ganeko [6] [61] 10 April 1905 18 October 2019 79 Kame Nakamura [62] 8 March 1898 12 September 2012 114 years, 188 days 80 Lydie Vellard [5] 18 March 1875 17 September 1989 114 years, 183 days Wilhelmina Kott [63] 7 March 1880 6 September 1994 Adelina Domingues [64] 19 February 1888 21 August 2002 United States [k] 83 Mitoyo Kawate [65] 15 May 1889 13 November 2003 114 years, 182 days Gabrielle des Robert [6] [66] 4 June 1904 3 December 2018 Iris Westman [6] 28 August 1905 86 Charlotte Benkner [67] 16 November 1889 14 May 2004 114 years, 180 days United States [l] Camille Loiseau [68] 13 February 1892 12 August 2006 88 Anne Primout [69] 5 October 1890 26 March 2005 114 years, 172 days France [m] 89 Ettie Mae Greene [70] 8 September 1877 26 February 1992 114 years, 171 days 90 Geertje Kuijntjes [6] 19 July 1905 24 December 2019 114 years, 158 days 91 Dominga Velasco [6] 12 May 1901 11 October 2015 114 years, 152 days United States [n] 92 Toshie Yorimitsu [6] 30 September 1901 28 February 2016 114 years, 151 days 93 Irene Frank [5] 1 October 1881 28 February 1996 114 years, 150 days 94 Christina Cock [71] 25 December 1887 22 May 2002 114 years, 148 days Australia [o] 95 Olivia Patricia Thomas [72] 29 June 1895 16 November 2009 114 years, 140 days Alelia Murphy [6] 6 July 1905 23 November 2019 97 Tae Ito [6] 11 July 1903 13 November 2017 114 years, 125 days 98 Anna Henderson [73] 5 March 1900 1 July 2014 114 years, 118 days 99 Emma Verona Johnston [74] 6 August 1890 1 December 2004 114 years, 117 days Mamie Rearden [75] 7 September 1898 2 January 2013 ^ The exact lifespan of people listed with the number of years and days may actually differ because of leap days that occurred during their lifetime. ^ a b Calment's case was disputed in a study posted online in November 2018, [1] [2] and a followup paper published in January 2019, [3] although other researchers have dismissed this hypothesis on the basis of extensive prior research into Calment's life. [4] ^ Manfredini was born in Italy. ^ Gaudette was born in the United States. ^ Holtz was born in the German Empire; her birthplace is now in Poland. ^ Gerena was born in Puerto Rico. ^ Ray was born in Canada. ^ Steinberg was born in Kishinev, then part of the Russian Empire, now the capital of Moldova. ^ Pizzinato-Papo was born in Ala, then part of Austria-Hungary, now in Italy. ^ Clawson was born in the United Kingdom. ^ Domingues was born in Cape Verde, then a colony of Portugal. ^ Benkner was born in Germany. ^ Primout was born in colonial Algeria, and moved to metropolitan France after Algeria obtained independence. ^ Velasco was born in Mexico. ^ Cock was born in the British colony of Victoria, now part of Australia. 100 verified oldest men This section may be unbalanced towards certain viewpoints. Please improve the article by adding information on neglected viewpoints, or discuss the issue on the talk page. ( February 2020) The list including all known and validated supercentenarians who died before 2015 was compiled by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG). [5] Later cases were sourced either from more recent GRG data, [6] from administrative reports or from press coverage, as indicated in the table. Unranked entries have not been validated by the GRG, which only publishes recent cases above 112 years old. Name [a] Jiroemon Kimura 19 April 1897 12 June 2013 116 years, 54 days Christian Mortensen 16 August 1882 25 April 1998 115 years, 252 days United States [b] Emiliano Mercado del Toro 21 August 1891 24 January 2007 115 years, 156 days Mathew Beard 9 July 1870 16 February 1985 114 years, 222 days Walter Breuning 21 September 1896 14 April 2011 114 years, 205 days Yukichi Chuganji 23 March 1889 28 September 2003 114 years, 189 days Joan Riudavets 15 December 1889 5 March 2004 114 years, 81 days Gustav Gerneth [76] 15 October 1905 22 October 2019 [77] 114 years, 7 days Germany [c] Fred Hale 1 December 1890 19 November 2004 113 years, 354 days Yisrael Kristal [6] 15 September 1903 11 August 2017 113 years, 330 days Israel [d] Johnson Parks 15 October 1884 17 July 1998 113 years, 275 days Tomoji Tanabe 18 September 1895 19 June 2009 113 years, 274 days John Ingram McMorran 19 June 1889 24 February 2003 113 years, 250 days Masazō Nonaka [6] 25 July 1905 20 January 2019 113 years, 179 days Frederick Frazier 27 January 1880 14 June 1993 113 years, 138 days James Sisnett 22 February 1900 23 May 2013 113 years, 90 days Barbados [e] Walter Richardson 7 November 1885 25 December 1998 113 years, 48 days Francisco Núñez Olivera [6] 13 December 1904 29 January 2018 113 years, 47 days Henry Allingham 6 June 1896 18 July 2009 113 years, 42 days Chitetsu Watanabe [6] [78] 5 March 1907 23 February 2020 112 years, 355 days Antonio Todde 22 January 1889 3 January 2002 112 years, 346 days Moses Hardy 6 January 1894 7 December 2006 112 years, 335 days Yasutaro Koide [6] [79] 13 March 1903 19 January 2016 112 years, 312 days John Evans 19 August 1877 10 June 1990 112 years, 295 days Richard Arvin Overton [6] 11 May 1906 27 December 2018 112 years, 230 days George Francis 27 December 2008 112 years, 204 days Denzo Ishizaki 20 October 1886 29 April 1999 112 years, 191 days Josep Armengol 23 July 1881 20 January 1994 112 years, 181 days Giovanni Frau 29 December 1890 19 June 2003 112 years, 172 days John Painter 20 September 1888 1 March 2001 112 years, 162 days Masamitsu Yoshida [6] 30 May 1904 29 October 2016 112 years, 152 days Sakari Momoi [6] 5 February 1903 5 July 2015 112 years, 150 days Alphaeus Philemon Cole 12 July 1876 25 November 1988 112 years, 136 days Augusto Moreira 6 October 1896 13 February 2009 112 years, 130 days George Johnson 1 May 1894 30 August 2006 112 years, 121 days Salustiano Sanchez 8 June 1901 13 September 2013 112 years, 97 days CP Crawford [80] [81] 25 August 1907 23 November 2019 [82] 112 years, 90 days Yoshikazu Yamashita [83] [84] 10 April 1907 7 July 2019 112 years, 88 days Gengan Tonaki 30 October 1884 24 January 1997 112 years, 86 days Tadanosuke Hashimoto 27 April 1891 31 May 2003 112 years, 34 days Kumekichi Tani 20 April 1891 12 May 2003 112 years, 22 days James Wiggins 15 October 1879 16 October 1991 112 years, 1 day George Feldman [85] [86] 2 December 1906 2 December 2018 112 years, 0 days Tsunahei Ogawa [87] 9 January 1907 4 January 2019 111 years, 360 days Arturo Licata 2 May 1902 24 April 2014 111 years, 357 days Walter H. Seward 13 October 1896 14 September 2008 111 years, 337 days Robert Weighton [88] 29 March 1908 111 years, 334 days Maurice Floquet 25 December 1894 10 November 2006 111 years, 320 days Valerio Piroddi [89] 13 November 1905 18 September 2017 111 years, 309 days James McCoubrey 13 September 1901 5 July 2013 111 years, 295 days Shivakumara Swami [90] 1 April 1907 [91] 21 January 2019 India [h] John Mosely Turner 15 June 1856 21 March 1968 111 years, 280 days Hermann Dörnemann 27 May 1893 2 March 2005 111 years, 279 days Germany Antonio Urrea 18 February 1888 15 November 1999 111 years, 270 days Choki Miyagi [6] 15 November 1904 7 August 2016 111 years, 266 days Arthur Carter 5 October 1889 11 June 2001 111 years, 249 days Jan Machiel Reyskens 11 May 1878 7 January 1990 111 years, 241 days Netherlands [i] Jesús Mosteo [92] 1 January 1908 28 August 2019 [93] 111 years, 239 days Henry Tseng [94] [95] 12 July 1907 27 February 2019 111 years, 230 days Joe Thomas 1 May 1875 14 December 1986 111 years, 227 days James Zackry 15 August 1881 14 March 1993 111 years, 211 days Tanekichi Onishi 15 February 1900 11 September 2011 111 years, 208 days Roger Auvin [96] 20 March 1908 13 October 2019 111 years, 207 days Kiyoshi Igarashi 2 August 1897 23 February 2009 111 years, 205 days Lester Townsend [97] 31 March 1908 22 October 2019 [98] Herman Smith-Johannsen 15 June 1875 5 January 1987 111 years, 204 days Norway Ernest Pusey 5 May 1895 19 November 2006 111 years, 198 days 56 Thomas Nelson, Sr. 8 July 1895 9 January 2007 111 years, 185 days Jokichi Ikarashi 26 January 1902 23 July 2013 111 years, 178 days Earl Brush 17 July 1893 10 January 2005 111 years, 177 days Qin Hanzhang [99] 19 February 1908 15 August 2019 China Antonio de Castro 6 January 1898 22 June 2009 111 years, 167 days Sukesaburo Nakanishi 15 March 1896 22 August 2007 111 years, 160 days Luther Goding 1 July 1884 5 December 1995 111 years, 157 days Jan Pieter Bos 12 July 1891 15 December 2002 111 years, 156 days Emile Fourcade 29 July 1884 29 December 1995 111 years, 153 days France [k] Benjamin Harrison Holcomb 3 July 1889 2 December 2000 111 years, 152 days Aarne Arvonen 4 August 1897 1 January 2009 111 years, 150 days Finland [l] George Frederick Ives 17 November 1881 12 April 1993 111 years, 146 days Canada [m] Jan Goossenaerts 21 March 2012 111 years, 143 days Belgium Carl Mattsson [100] 7 March 1908 24 July 2019 111 years, 139 days Sweden Garland Adair 30 July 1898 11 December 2009 111 years, 134 days 69 Anders Engberg 1 July 1892 6 November 2003 111 years, 128 days Alfred Smith [101] 3 August 2019 111 years, 127 days Alexander Imich 4 February 1903 8 June 2014 111 years, 124 days Jack Lockett 22 January 1891 25 May 2002 111 years, 123 days Henry Hartmann 14 July 1894 10 November 2005 111 years, 119 days Shelby Harris 31 March 1901 25 July 2012 111 years, 116 days Dumitru Comănescu [102] 8 November 1908 111 years, 110 days Romania 74 Daniel Guzmán-García 6 February 1897 21 May 2008 111 years, 105 days Colombia Sadayoshi Tanabe 20 October 1888 18 January 2000 111 years, 90 days Clarence Matthews [103] 1 May 1906 22 July 2017 111 years, 82 days Makaru Nakanishi 15 December 1901 28 February 2013 111 years, 75 days Irving Piken [104] 20 December 1908 111 years, 68 days Kamado Tsuha [105] 10 June 1908 15 August 2019 [106] 111 years, 66 days Henry Pfeiffer 22 March 1881 23 May 1992 111 years, 62 days 78 Zachariah Blackistone 16 February 1871 18 April 1982 111 years, 61 days Antonio Baldo 6 July 1887 28 August 1998 111 years, 53 days Edward Bernard 22 June 1889 11 August 2000 111 years, 50 days 81 Francisco Fernández 24 July 1901 7 September 2012 111 years, 45 days 82 Norio Kawada 25 April 1892 6 June 2003 111 years, 42 days Modesto Lopez Bautista [107] 17 January 1909 111 years, 40 days United States [p] Kama Nakasone 23 November 1891 1 January 2003 111 years, 39 days 84 Harry Patch 17 June 1898 25 July 2009 111 years, 38 days 85 Peter Solum 3 May 1882 5 June 1993 111 years, 33 days Masao Kaga 1 June 1902 26 June 2013 111 years, 25 days Saturnino de la Fuente [108] 8 February 1909 111 years, 18 days 87 Giovanni Ligato 18 February 1901 2 March 2012 111 years, 13 days Domenico Minervino 10 May 1880 21 May 1991 111 years, 11 days Nijiro Tokuda 10 June 1895 12 June 2006 111 years, 2 days Zhou Youguang [109] 13 January 1906 14 January 2017 111 years, 1 day Valentino Stella 2 January 1886 1 January 1997 110 years, 365 days Giichi Okumura 18 October 1896 13 October 2007 110 years, 360 days Charles Shebanek 9 September 1883 27 August 1994 110 years, 352 days Antonio Pierro 22 February 1896 8 February 2007 110 years, 351 days United States [q] Carl Berner 27 January 1902 7 January 2013 110 years, 346 days United States [r] Gregory Pandazes 15 January 1873 22 December 1983 110 years, 341 days United States [s] Eiju Tsuru 4 February 1879 11 January 1990 Conrad Johnson [110] [111] 19 January 1904 23 December 2014 110 years, 338 days United States [t] Charlie Nelson 21 September 1867 20 August 1978 110 years, 333 days Yoshio Nakagawa 19 December 1901 16 November 2012 Masatake Kinoshita 20 August 1897 17 July 2008 110 years, 332 days Moacyr Nunes Barroso [112] 31 March 1909 100 Linus Reinhart 28 July 1892 14 June 2003 110 years, 321 days ^ All entries are sourced to GRG "table B" as of 1 January 2015, unless otherwise noted. [5] ^ Mortensen was born in Denmark. ^ Gerneth was born in Stettin, then part of the German Empire, now in Poland and renamed Szczecin. ^ Kristal was born in Maleniec, then part of the Russian Empire, now in Poland. ^ Sisnett was born in Barbados, then a British colony, now an independent country. ^ Sanchez was born in Spain. ^ McCoubrey was born in Newfoundland, then a separate British colony, now part of Canada. ^ Shivakumara was born in Magadi, Kingdom of Mysore, then part of British India, now a state of India. ^ Reyskens was born in Belgium and never obtained Dutch citizenship. ^ Tseng was born in Yokohama, Japan and emigrated to China. He lived in Los Angeles, United States from 1975 until his death. ^ Fourcade was born in colonial Algeria, and moved to metropolitan France after Algeria obtained independence. ^ Arvonen was born in the Grand Duchy of Finland, then part of the Russian Empire. ^ Ives was born in the United Kingdom. ^ Imich was born in Częstochowa, then part of the Russian Empire, now in Poland. ^ Lockett was born in the British colony of Victoria, now part of Australia. ^ Bautista was born in Mexico. ^ Pierro was born in Italy. ^ Berner was born in Germany. ^ Pandazes was born in Greece. ^ Johnson was born in Sweden. See also Longevity claims Longevity myths References ^ Milova, Elena (4 November 2018). "Valery Novoselov: Investigating Jeanne Calment's Longevity Record". Life Extension Advocacy Foundation. Retrieved 5 December 2018. ^ Hopper, Tristin (31 December 2018). "History's oldest woman a fraud? Russian researchers claim 122-year-old Jeanne Calment was actually a 99-year-old imposter". 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Retrieved 14 February 2020. v t e Longevity Ageing Old age Senescence aging-associated diseases degenerative diseases negligible senescence Gerontology cognitive epidemiology Centenarian supercentenarian Life expectancy Maximum life span Biomarkers of aging FOXO3 "longevity gene" Life extension Topic outline index Anti-aging movement Biodemography of human longevity Indefinite lifespan Longevity escape velocity Methods calorie restriction gene therapy nanomedicine organ printing rejuvenation stem-cell therapy SENS Immortality Biological immortality Digital immortality Agelessness Eternal youth Immortality in fiction Living and notable centenarians (over age 100) By career Activists, non-profit leaders, and philanthropists Actors, filmmakers, and entertainers Artists, painters and sculptors Authors, poets, and journalists Businesspeople Educators, school administrators, social scientists, and linguists Explorers Jurists and practitioners of law Medical professionals Military commanders and soldiers Musicians, composers, and music patrons Philosophers and theologians Politicians and civil servants Religious figures Royalty and nobility Scientists and mathematicians Sportspeople Miscellaneous Supercentenarians (over age 110) Records Oldest people verified by country living By country List of supercentenarians by continent Denmark Finland Ireland Miscellaneous records Surviving war veterans European American Canadian World War I World War II Spanish Civil War Surviving battle veterans Survivors of other events Long marriages Longest reigns Related Blue Zone Longevity insurance Longevity risk Transhumanist politics.
Los que quedaron pelicula. Quedaron muchos personajes perdidos sin saber q paso con ellos muchos. Los jugadores que quedaron pobres. A los que quedaron aqui. Los que se quedaron trailer. Estúpido final. Excelente aporte ante el dolor más grande que un ser humano pueda enfrentar en su vida. Raro excelente información 👏👏👏. Por que usted es tan lindo lo amooo💖💖💖. Los que quedaron atras. Los que se quedaron pelicula cristiana.
Los famosos que quedaron pobres
Los niños que quedaron atrapados en la cueva. Gran video. Esos soldados tuvieron las pelotas de enfrentarse a 6 tyrants en un espacio reducido sin ser los protas ni tener alguion de su lado la introduccion del re3 me parecio estupida y MUY OPORTUNA ya que se mostraban a los swats y soldados como idiotas y sus armas parecian que daban almuadazos.
- Author: Amrod Schulz
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